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SmallWorks Challenge 2022!

Hello Friends! Just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that my SmallWorks Challenge 2022 is in the works! I will be creating new work to release before the end of the year. I will be posting information on my social media sites so spread the word to your friends so they can sign up for my email list. Those on my email list will receive first views of new work, special offers, and other surprises! Exciting things will be happening this fall so stay tuned at Lois Stone Fine Art. You can follow me on facebook, instagram, and Linked. Below is a photo of my Power of Red Series of 2022. If you are creating new work or showing your work please let me know and where I can find it. I would love to hear about your art practice!  

Promoting your Art

As we have all seen promoting ones art work has changed dramatically in the past few years. Creating a way to promote ones art has become the art itself. Social media has given us all the means to showcase our work whether we have funds, no funds, versed or not, showing a still shot, creating a reel, or even demonstrating your painting technique. I find it all fascinating! It seems that if you are not on social media one could wonder how are you letting the world know about art? Then there is the question of too much exposure, if thats a thing. Unknowns become knowns and build an art following that could grow into great showings and ultimately great sales. Where do you see the future of art promotion? Send me your thoughts!

Trust Yourself

The one thing I know for sure in finding my creative voice is that I had to learn to trust myself, me. The process of finding my voice meant that I needed to get to the real me, authentic. A close friend once told me that she liked my art but felt I was holding back. I did not know what that meant at the time however looking back, it somehow made the cause for me to reveal my true art. Thanks Betty. Years later I would hear the translation from my mentor and art instructor, ” Access your most authentic self expression as an artist.” Thank you Nancy!

When Your Artist Voice Appears

If you had asked me at age nine or ten what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have without hesitation said a teacher! Not only was art the furthest thing from my mind but I did not recognize, discover, or reveal my creativity until my adult years. I fell in love with works of African American Artist viewed at the South Side Community Art Center in Chicago and that was it for me! I dived in with everything I had and loved the feeling within when I was creating. Discovering my voice as an artist took many twists and turns. Thinking that I had to fit in and paint like everyone else in order to be consider an “artist” was a big mistake. Fortunately I surrounded myself with a community of artists who helped me understand that my art was an extension of me and that my job as an artist was to find my voice and by doing so I would find my audience. So far they were not wrong!

Finding your voice, its an art thang!